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Has David Beckham Had A Hair Transplant?

Has David Beckham Had A Hair Transplant?

    David Beckham has never confirmed whether he has undergone a hair transplant. If you scrutinise his previous pictures it appears he had receded in his hairline and temples but there is no definitive evidence David Beckham underwent a hair transplant. However, in this article we will discuss his hair, his potential hair loss and the question of whether he may have undergone a hair transplant to treat areas of recession or hair loss in his temples.

    Who is David Beckham?

    Famous first as one of England’s greatest footballers to ever grace the pitch, David Beckham quickly became a style icon for men’s fashion and has continued to hold up this status long after his footballing days have drawn to a close. His haircuts throughout the years have had a huge impact on men’s styles, whether he was sporting long locks, cornrow braids, or shaved details; his impact as a global style icon is undeniable.

    david beckham

    Photo Credit:Jeff Gilbert

    Does David Beckham Have A Receding Hairline or Traction Alopecia?

    Now in his 40s, thinning of the hair is a natural part of ageing. Looking at photos of David through the years, it appears that he has thinned cross his scalp and had a minor amount of hairline recession.

    Due to his hair being tied back in ponytails over years of playing football, he may have also suffered from traction alopecia affecting his hairline and temples. This is a condition where repeated tight hair styling causes hair tension at the frontal hairline causing hair loss in the area over time.

    david beckham traction alopecia

    Looking at the above picture, the David Beckham’s temples have receded a touch, likely secondary to male pattern baldness and traction applied to the area by tying his hair tight in a knot.

    What Can Cause David Beckham’s Hair Loss?

    There are a number of potential factors causing David’s hair loss. The most common would be male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia. This affects 50% of gentleman before the age of 60. It commonly causes a receding hairline and thinning crown. It then develops to affect the entire scalp leaving just the hair on the back and sides of the scalp remaining.

    As mentioned earlier, traction alopecia could also be a contributing factor in David Beckham’s hair loss. This condition occurs when hair is tied tight in braids, ponytails and buns. It causes tension on the hair commonly in the temples and hairline. Over time, the tension causes the hair follicles to weaken. Repeated tension causes hair loss in the area. This could have affected David’s temples and hairline resulting in hairline recession.

    traction alopecia and hair tension diagram
    Here’s an illustration to help you understand how tight hairstyles can affect your hair follicles. This may have been a reason for why David Beckham thinned in his hairline and temples

    Has David Beckham Had A Hair Transplant?

    What is a hair transplant?

    A hair transplant involves relocating permanent hair from a zone like the back and sides of the scalp or the beard into an area where there is hair loss like a receding hairline. There are 2 main techniques to achieve this, FUT and FUE hair transplant surgery.

    FUT hair transplant surgery involves taking a strip of scalp out from the back and sides of the scalp and stitching the area leaving a linear scar hidden by long hair. The hair in the strip of skin is then used to transplant into a new area.

    FUE hair transplant surgery, or a follicular unit excision procedure. FUE transplants are a common preferred choice for combating hair loss and thinning. The technique involves extracting each individual hair leaving small pin-point scars at the back and sides of the scalp that can be concealed by shorter hair lengths. The surgery tends to have a short recovery time than FUT hair transplant surgery.

    Full results from a hair transplant can be seen within 8-12 months, but most patients can see a difference within 16 weeks. Hair transplants should last a lifetime and offer natural-looking results for a seamless look.

    David Beckham’s Hair transplant

    David Beckham hasn’t confirmed that he has had a hair transplant. It isn’t clear whether he has had a hair transplant either. Hair transplant surgery can be a private procedure and many patients don’t often like speaking about it publicly. If David has had a hair transplant he may have decided to keep it confidential and that is entirely understandable. He may have chosen to undergo surgery to his hairline to fill in his temples and strengthen his hairline. Pictured below at the recent Netflix premiere, his temples appear more rounded and balanced than in previous pictures.

    david beckham hair transplant

    Photo Credit: S.A.M./Alamy Live News 

    Having A Hair Transplant Without People Noticing

    It is possible to have a hair transplant without most people noticing. This would involve an unshaven hair transplant or a minimally shaven hair transplant. At our award winning hair transplant clinic we are able to perform both types of procedure.

    unshaven hair transplant hairline
    An example of an unshaven hair transplant to the hairline allowing patients to get back to work quicker following their hair transplant

    Our clinic also offers days for surgery whereby patients are given absolute discretion where there is no public access. We have private car parking, private waiting areas and private operation rooms with access for patients into the clinic that doesn’t risk the general public seeing anything.

    If David Beckham did have a hair transplant how many grafts did he have?

    Our Surgeons estimate that if David Beckham did have a hair transplant, he would likely have had 1000-1500 grafts transplanted into his temples and hairline.

    How much would a hair transplant cost for David Beckham?

    Depending on David’s preferences for no-shave or unshaven hair transplant surgery, it would likely have cost him between £5,000-£8,000 for surgery to his temples and hairline.

    Can anyone have a hair transplant like David Beckham’s?

    The Treatment Rooms London has helped many celebrities with their hair transplant. If you are interested in finding out if you are able to have an FUE hair transplant, contact The Treatment Rooms today and speak to one of our team about arranging a discrete, video consultation.

    Authored by

    Hair Transplant Surgeon Dr Roshan Vara

    Dr Roshan Vara

    Full Medical Member of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery (BAHRS) Associate Member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)

    GMC Registered - 7458409

    Reviewed by

    Hair Transplant Surgeon Dr Dilan Fernando

    Dr Dilan Fernando

    Royal College of Surgeons

    Full Medical Member of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery (BAHRS) Associate Member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)

    GMC Registered - 7458157

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