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Analysing Jack P Shepherd’s Hair Transplant

Analysing Jack P Shepherd’s Hair Transplant

    Famous for playing Coronation Street’s David Platt, actor Jack P. Shepherd has been a stalwart on the cobbles for the past 20 years. While he’s known on-screen for his boyish charm and often mischievous nature, Jack was concerned he risked losing this youthful demeanour when he noticed his hairline was rapidly receding.

    Suffering from an aggressive form of hair loss, similar to the likes of Wayne Rooney, Jack decided a hair transplant was the only option. He has stressed that he didn’t make this decision because he was vain, but to actually safeguard his mental health, which had taken a tumble. Crucially, as a young actor in his early 30s, Jack realised that a thinning hairline could potentially jeopardise his chances of securing roles in the future.

    As well as suffering from rapid male pattern baldness, Jack attributes stress off-screen and insomnia for his accelerated hair loss. In order to combat the problem head-on and keep the baldness at bay, he underwent two hair transplants within the space of a year.

    Follicular unit excision (FUE) hair transplant explained

    Jack finally took the plunge to tackle his rapid hair loss after seeing the impressive results of a friend’s own hair transplant treatment. Jack was adamant that we wanted to use a UK hair transplant clinic rather than an overseas one, as he knew a British-based clinic would be highly regulated.

    Taking inspiration from his friend’s treatment, and those of famous faces such as Wayne Rooney and Calum Best, Jack opted for a FUE hair transplant procedure. During this procedure, Jack had 3,000 hair follicles expertly removed from a donor area at the back of his head. These healthy follicles were then carefully implanted to the receding hairline and temples, enabling them to take root and grow over the coming months.

    Jack not only chose the FUE hair transplant method because it produces highly effective results, but he liked the fact that it would easily fit into his busy schedule of filming. As a non-invasive procedure that didn’t require an overnight stay, Jack was able to carry on with his hectic work and family life uninterrupted. Importantly, as an actor in the public eye, it was vital that Jack didn’t look drastically different when he returned to filming on set. By opting for the FUE hair transplant method, he didn’t need to have his head shaved, so viewers wouldn’t have noticed any obvious signs that the transplant had taken place. His new hair regrew naturally over the following months, providing seamless results that Jack was more than thrilled with.

    Since having the FUE hair transplant procedures, Jack’s confidence and mood have improved immeasurably. He has been overwhelmed by the positive feedback he’s received and states that his hair is 1,000% better than before. Much to his excitement, Jack can now even style his hair in an Elvis-type quiff, something he hasn’t been able to do since his teens!

    Undergoing a FUE hair transplant

    Knowing how effective and straightforward a FUE hair transplant actually is, Jack wishes he’d taken action sooner, particularly with the huge impact it has since had on his confidence and mental health.

    If you’d like to reap the benefits of having a thicker and fuller hairline, like Jack, our experienced team will detail everything you need to know. At our free initial consultation, we’ll take a look at the donor area on your scalp, and decide a course of treatment that would suit your needs and circumstances the best. We’ll arrange to meet prior to the procedure to check your scalp once again and finalise treatment details that could make a vast improvement to your life, like it has done for Jack P. Shepherd.

    Contact our friendly and professional hair transplant clinic to find out more.

    Authored by

    Hair Transplant Surgeon Dr Roshan Vara

    Dr Roshan Vara

    Full Medical Member of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery (BAHRS) Associate Member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)

    GMC Registered - 7458409

    Reviewed by

    Hair Transplant Surgeon Dr Dilan Fernando

    Dr Dilan Fernando

    Royal College of Surgeons

    Full Medical Member of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery (BAHRS) Associate Member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)

    GMC Registered - 7458157

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