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What are you paying for when you undergo FUE hair transplant surgery?

What are you paying for when you undergo FUE hair transplant surgery?

    Deciding to undergo a hair transplant procedure can involve a lot of thought and deliberation, but often one of the main considerations people are concerned with is cost (for more info, see our page how much does an FUE hair transplant cost?). As a surgical procedure not funded by the NHS, most hair transplants are carried out at private clinics at the decision of the patient, meaning the cost will fall on the patient. At The Treatment Rooms, our aim is to always ensure that our services are accessible to as many people as possible.

    How Much Does An FUE Hair Transplant Cost?

    While an accurate cost for your personal FUE hair transplant procedure cannot be given until you attend a face to face appointment, most FUE hair transplants start at around the £3,000 mark – but it is totally dependent on the number of grafts required and how severe the hair loss is. We only have specialised surgeons carry out FUE hair transplant procedures, who are highly experienced and are dedicated to providing the very best in patient care.

    To help you understand the process better, The Treatment Rooms offers an initial face to face consultation with one of our leading surgeons for free. This is to help us get to know you and your hair loss situation and to provide recommendations that may or may not include surgery, as well as the different types of hair transplantation we offer. Although an FUE hair transplant is one of the most effective ways to combat hair loss, there are options that can be explored if you’re not ready for surgery, such as medications and other minor procedures.

    What is included in the fee?

    The cost of an FUE hair transplant includes the highest quality patient care at our private Harley Street and Putney clinics, access to expert surgeons who are FUE specialists, recovery medication and aftercare follow up, as well as information and discussion with the surgical care team at any point in the process.

    Our team is here to support your journey back to a full head of hair. We understand it can be an emotional experience, which is why we offer extensive aftercare and consultation to reassure you through this process.

    If you want to find out more about if an FUE hair transplant could be right for you, book a consultation today or call us on 020 8706 0076

    Authored by

    Hair Transplant Surgeon Dr Roshan Vara

    Dr Roshan Vara

    Full Medical Member of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery (BAHRS) Associate Member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)

    GMC Registered - 7458409

    Reviewed by

    Hair Transplant Surgeon Dr Dilan Fernando

    Dr Dilan Fernando

    Royal College of Surgeons

    Full Medical Member of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery (BAHRS) Associate Member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)

    GMC Registered - 7458157

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