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When Can I Shave My Head After Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant is a viable treatment for restoring hair in patients with receding hairlines or balding crowns. People are often concerned about their appearance immediately following the procedure. The transplanted hair can appear odd to look at, especially as it scabs over. It’s also unusual that some areas have hair while others appear to be just stubble. Some patients may choose to shave their head after their hair transplant whilst they wait for their transplant to grow more evenly, matching their existing hair. Patients can choose to shave their head entirely after 4 weeks after their hair transplant.

Some patients usually wear their hair very short, e.g., a number 1- or 2-grade cut, whereas others might wonder when they can have a standard haircut after a hair transplant.

Learn when it’s safe to shave after a hair transplant. We cover the different transplantation procedures and how they impact your future hairstyles.

In this guide:

Shaving After Hair Transplant: When Is It Safe?

Initially, following a hair transplant, the grafts are extremely fragile1. It takes 2 weeks for them to become secure within the scalp. Applying a razor or hair trimmer directly to the scalp too early would irritate the scalp and potentially damage grafts. It could even increase the risk of infection.

We recommend waiting at least 1 month before shaving after a hair transplant. It’s best to let the scalp fully heal, ensuring the scabbing, redness, and swelling have subsided. If you notice any signs of infection, you should avoid shaving. The infection must be treated first before applying a razor to the region. This guidance applies for both donor and recipient sites of a hair transplant.

Look for the characteristic signs of healing before shaving your head. These include:

  • Reduction of redness
  • Decreasing swelling
  • Washing away of scabs
  • New hair growth

These indicators can help you gauge where you are in the healing process. The healthier your scalp looks, the less risk you have from shaving it. If you are unsure whether you can shave your head, please contact your hair transplant surgeon.

shaving head after hair transplant
This patient shaved his head at 1 month here after his hair transplant to make the transplanted zone (hairline and temples) look more even with the rest of his hair

Hair Cut After Hair Transplant: What You Need to Know

If you’re self-conscious about the different lengths of hair, it’s understandable to want to cut your existing hair shorter to match your hair transplanted area in the initial few weeks and months following surgery. We recommend waiting at least a 2 weeks after the hair transplant for a scissors cut. As your transplanted hair will still be very short or shedding, you will not need to cut the area that has been operated in.

While cutting with scissors is fine, be careful not to damage or hurt the donor or recipient sites. Cutting the hair too close to the scalp can cause wounds, which increase the risk of infection. Moreover, it can increase the time it takes to heal.

What is shock loss and how does it affect shaving?

Shock loss refers to a phenomenon where non-transplanted hair temporarily falls out shortly after a transplant. It occurs due to scalp trauma, changes in blood flow, or overharvesting of grafts. This is a temporary change, and the hair will regrow within 3 to 6 months. It only occurs in around 5% of patients.

However, it can affect your choice of hairstyle. It does not affect whether you can start shaving after a hair transplant. Shock loss doesn’t damage the scalp or the surrounding hair.

Does the Type of Procedure Matter?

Yes. There are two types of hair transplant procedures3:

  1. FUE (Follicular Unit Excision): A hair transplant technique where individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area and transplanted into the thinning or balding areas, leaving minimal scarring.
  2. FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation): A method where a strip of scalp is removed from the donor area, from which individual follicular units are dissected and transplanted, typically resulting in a linear scar.

FUE is a minimally invasive technique. The hole puncture procedure leaves small dot-like scarring and heals much quicker than FUT. Patients can usually start shaving or cutting their hair earlier. There is also no need to modify the choice of hairstyle. Because the FUE donor site eventually heals up completely, even short, cropped hairstyles are suitable.

FUT, on the other hand, involves a linear scar, usually on the back of the head. Cutting the hair too short will make the scar visible. The scar is concealable with a hair length of grade 2/3 or longer. Some patients may be fortunate enough to cut their hair shorter. The scar will begin to fade with time, but, in most people, it never fully disappears.

Shaving a beard after a hair transplant

If you have had a beard transplant you can shave your beard with an electrical shaver after 2 weeks. We recommend shaving with a wet razor after 4 weeks. Similarly, we recommed shaving at a barber’s after 4 weeks have passed following your hair transplant.

Hair Styling Tips for After a Transplant

Most people have a hair transplant to improve their appearance. The last thing you want is to settle for a poor hairstyle or damage to the grafts after undergoing the procedure. Follow these hairstyling tips for the best results:

  • Be Gentle with Your Scalp. Even after the initial healing period, your scalp remains fragile. Use a light touch when touching or washing the area to avoid unnecessary pressure on the grafts.
  • Use a Professional Stylist. If in doubt, go to a professional. Not only will they be gentler, but they can advise on the best hairstyles to hide any scarring or blend the existing and new hair growth. It can give you renewed confidence as your new hair begins to grow.
  • Avoid Hot Tools. Applying heat-based styling tools like straighteners and curling irons is a bad idea. Excessive heat irritates the scalp, delaying the healing process. We recommend waiting for 2 weeks before styling your hair using these tools.
  • Be Patient. It can be frustrating waiting for your grafts to grow in – or to blend with the surrounding hair. Avoid cutting too aggressively until the hair follicles are fully established (1 month post-surgery). Cutting too early will only disrupt the healing process and slow down the final result.
  • Speak to Your Surgeon. It’s advisable to consult with your surgeon or hair transplant specialist before shaving, especially if you’re uncertain about the healing progress. They can offer tailored advice based on your specific procedure and recovery status.

Book a Consultation with The Treatments Rooms London

The Treatment Rooms London is a highly renowned hair transplant clinic, winning the Hair Restoration Clinic of the Year 2023. We’ve helped hundreds of patients achieve their desired look thanks to our expert surgeons. We work closely with each patient to develop a personalised plan. We consider your hair loss, type, and post-surgery healing.

After the procedure, we provide detailed instructions for aftercare. These include information about haircuts and shaving after a hair transplant. Please follow these instructions closely.

Ready to take the next step? Book a consultation with our team to learn more about your options. We will listen to your goal, providing a tailored solution to help you regain your confidence. We’re here to help.


  1. Jimenez F, Alam M, Vogel JE, Avram M. Hair transplantation: basic overview. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2021 Oct 1;85(4):803-14. Available at:
  2. Nadimi S. Complications with hair transplantation. Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2020 May 1;28(2):225-35.
  3. Garg AK, Garg S. Complications of hair transplant procedures—causes and management. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2021 Oct;54(04):477-82. Available at:

Authored by

Hair Transplant Surgeon Dr Roshan Vara

Dr Roshan Vara

Full Medical Member of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery (BAHRS) Associate Member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)

GMC Registered - 7458409

Reviewed by

Hair Transplant Surgeon Dr Dilan Fernando

Dr Dilan Fernando

Royal College of Surgeons

Full Medical Member of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery (BAHRS) Associate Member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)

GMC Registered - 7458157

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